Explain the types of adjectives, with the help of examples.
Difficulty: Easy
Kinds of Adjectives:
Possessive Adjectives:
His, her, their, its, your, thy, my, our, such, adjectives, qualify nouns by showing the owner.
Adjectives of Quality:
Good, bad, noble, beautiful, such adjectives answer the question. Of what kind or of what sort? What kind of boy is Hamid? Hamid is a good boy
Adjectives of Quantity:
Much, little, some, any etc. these adjectives answer the question. How much? Read the second sentence over again. How much money has she? She has some money
Adjectives of Number:
One, two, first, second, many, few, all. We get these adjectives in answer to the question. How many?
Demonstrative Adjectives:
This, those, that, yonder, these Adjectives point out which person or thing is meant. That boy will deceive you. This man hates such things
Distributive Adjectives:
Each, every, either, neither. These adjectives refer to each one of a Number. Each man has some part to play. Neither plan will work. Either pan will do
Interrogative Adjectives:
What, which, whose. These are used to ask questions
Which boy did it? What sort of fellow are you? Whose is house this?
Proper Adjectives:
Pakistani, English, Japanese. These are formed from proper Noun
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