
Briefly describe Endangered Species in Pakistan?

Difficulty: Medium

Endangered Species in Pakistan:

Here are a few examples of endangered species in Pakistan:

Indus dolphin:

Indus Dolphin is a fresh water river mammal. According to WWF-P only 600 animals of this species are left today in the Indus river in Pakistan. The population of the species declined because of various factors, including water pollution, poaching, and destruction of habitats due to bridges and dams etc. WWF-P has started the Indus Dolphin Rescue Operation. Indus Dolphin has a long beak, round belly, very small dorsal fin and large flippers. Although, its eyes do not have lenses (that is why it is also called the “Blind Dolphin”), the dolphin still uses its eyes to differentiate between light and dark. It relies on echolocation (Sound Sensors) to find its prey in the bottom mud. In this method it emits sound and hear its echo to locate its prey. After every 30-60 secs it needs to breathe, it comes to the surface, takes in the air and swims back to the water.

Marco polo Sheep:

Marco polo sheep are scattered in Karakorum Mountain range and Hindukush. In Pakistan, they are mostly found in the Khunjerab national park and adjoining areas. The sheep have an endangered status and their numbers have been rapidly decreasing in the last two decades. WWF-P has started projects for its conservation and identification for additional sites where Marco polo sheep occurs.

Houbara Bustard:

It is a large bird (about 60cm long with 140 cm wing span). It is omnivorous and eats seeds, insects and small animals. Houbara Bustards are migratory birds that fly to Pakistan in Winter season from former soviet territory. Large number of these birds settles down for the season in Cholistan and Thar desserts. There is decline in the number of Houbara Bustards and it is and Endangered Bird in the Thar area. It is hunted by the foreigners and this bird is popular among the Arabs. Now, the Government of Pakistan allows only limited hunting. By 1975, this bird was declared an endangered species in Pakistan. The decline in its Population is not only as a result of hunting but due to the destruction of its natural habitat.

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