List the environmental issues associated with energy. Highlight the solution to these issues?
Difficulty: Hard
Energy and environments:
Environmental problems such as pollution that consist of noise, air pollution, and water pollution may arise by using different sources of energy such as fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Pollution is the change in the quality of the environment that can be harmful and unpleasant for living things.
Thermal Pollution:
A temperature rise in the environment that disturbs life is called thermal pollution. Thermal pollution upsets the balance of life and endangers the survival of many species.
Air pollutants:
Air pollutants are unwanted and harmful. Natural processes such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and dust storms add pollutants to the air. These pollutants, rarely build up to harmful levels. On the other hand, the burning of fuel and solid wastes in homes, automobiles, and factories releases a harmful amount of air pollutants.
The pollution produced by power plants and fission plants:
All power plants produce waste heat, but fission plants produce the most. The heat released into a lake, a river, or an ocean upsets the balance of life in them. Unlike other power plants, nuclear power plants do not produce carbon dioxide. But they do produce dangerous radioactive wastes.
Controlling pollution issues:
In many countries, governments have passed laws to control air pollution. Some of these laws limit the amount of pollution that, power plants, factories, and automobiles are allowed to give off. To meet these conditions for automobiles, new cars have catalytic converters. These devices convert some polluting gases. The use of lead-free petrol has greatly reduced the amount of lead in the air. Engineers are working to improve new kinds of car engines that use electricity or energy sources other than diesel and petrol.
Many individual communities have laws that protect their areas from pollution. Individuals can help to control air pollution simply by reducing the use of cars and other machines that burn fuel. Sharing rides and using public transportation are ways to reduce the number of automobiles in use.
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