
How would you advocate the drought, flooding, and increasing population as a factor that contributes to famine? 

Difficulty: Easy


A drought is a period when there is not enough water to support agricultural and human needs. Drought is usually due to an extended period of below-normal rainfall. Droughts decrease or even stop the crop yields resulting in famine.


It occurs due to more than normal rainfall or due to a weak water distribution system. Rivers and canals overflow their banks and destroy the soil quality of agricultural lands, it becomes impossible to grow crops immediately after flooding. In this way, flooding may be a reason for short-term famine in a country.

Increasing population:

Despite the global increase in food production, millions of human beings are undernourished. In the over-populated regions of the world, large populations overuse natural resources to grow maximum food to meet the problems of food shortage. It leads to dry and infertile lands and depletion of resources. In such situations, crops can no longer be grown and famines result.

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