
Briefly give the signs and symptoms, causes, treatments, and preventions of Diarrhea, constipation, and ulcer?

Difficulty: Medium

Disorders of the gut:

Diarrhea, constipation, and ulcer are the most common disorders of the gut that affect several people.



Diarrhea is a condition in which the sufferer has frequent watery, loose bowel movements.

Signs and symptoms of Diarrhea:

This condition may be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Causes of Diarrhea:

It occurs when required water is not absorbed in blood from the colon. If the colon is damaged or inflamed, absorption is inhibited, and watery stools result. The main causes of diarrhea include a lack of adequate safe water. Diarrhea is also caused by viral or bacterial infections.

Recovery of diarrhea:

If sufficient food and water are available a patient recovers from diarrhea in a few days. However, for malnourished individuals’ diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration and can become life-threatening.

Treatment of diarrhea:

The treatment for diarrhea involves consuming adequate amounts of water to replace the loss, preferably mixed with electrolytes to provide essential salts and some amount of nutrients. Antibiotics may be required if diarrhea is due to bacterial infection.

Preventions for diarrhea:

Preventions for diarrhea include taking proper water and electrolytes, eating regularly, and taking hygienic measures.



Constipation is a condition where a person experiences hard feces that are difficult to eliminate.

Signs and Symptoms of constipation:

In severe cases, it may lead to symptoms of bowel obstruction.

Causes of Constipation:

The main causes of constipation include hardening of the feces due to excessive absorption of water through the colon, insufficient intake of dietary fiber, dehydration, use of medicines (e.g., those containing iron, calcium, and aluminum), injured anal sphincter, and tumors in the rectum or anus.

Treatment of constipation:

Treatment of constipation is with a change in dietary and exercise habits. Enemas can be used to provide a form of mechanical stimulation. Laxatives (e.g., paraffin) may be necessary in some cases.

Prevention of constipation:

Constipation is usually easier to prevent than to treat. One should take the required quantities of water and dietary fibers.



An ulcer (peptic ulcer) is a sore in the gut lining caused by a gradual breakdown of the tissue by the acidic gastric juice. An ulcer of the stomach is called a gastric ulcer of the duodenum, a duodenal ulcer, and of the esophagus, an esophageal ulcer.

Causes of Ulcer:

The causes of ulcers include excess acid, infection, long-term use of anti-inflammatory medicines (including aspirin), smoking, drinking coffee, and colas, and eating spicy foods.

Signs and Symptoms of Ulcer:

The signs and symptoms of an ulcer include abdominal burning after meals or at midnight. Severe ulcers may cause abdominal pain, the rush of saliva after an episode of regurgitation, nausea, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Treatment of Ulcer:

An ulcer is treated with medicines containing alkaline composition.

Prevention of Ulcers:

Preventive measures should be adopted for such complications. Spicy foods and those containing more acidity should be avoided. As smoking is a major factor in ulcers, it should be avoided.

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