Write a note on the following:
- Plateau
- Plain
Difficulty: Hard
There are two plateaus in Pakistan. They are:
- Pothwar Plateau
- Balochistan Plateau
- Pothwar Plateau
Pothwar Plateau is situated in the north of Salt Ranges. It is in the middle of River Jhelum and Indus River. Huge reserves of Gypsum, Coal and mineral oil are found in it. River Sawan is an important one of this area. It makes its valley here. This is known as Sawan Valley. The surface of Pothwar Plateau is badly cracked.
2.Balochistan Plateau:
Balochistan Plateau is located in the west of Sulaiman Range and Kirthar range. Balochistan Plateau is uneven and barren. It receives very low rainfall, therefore; this region has desert-like characteristics. To the north of this Plateau, there are arc mountain ranges of Chaghi and Toba Karkar. There are lakes with salty water in the western part of the province of Balochistan. Among them, the most famous and the largest one is Hamoon-e-Mashkhel Lake.
A vast, less steep, and comparatively even surface of the land is called a plain. Plains of Pakistan can be divided into two parts:
- Upper Indus Plain
- Lower Indus Plain
- Upper Indus Plain:
This plain extends from the south of Pothwar plateau to Mithankot in the Punjab province. If we assume Mithankot a base, where all the rivers of Punjab join the river Indus, and the whole area above Mithankot towards Punjab will be called Upper Indus Plain. Whereas the whole area below Mithankot towards Sindh to the point of Thatha will be the Lower Indus Plain.
Towards North, the Upper Indus Plain is high whereas it is steeply towards South. That’s why all the large rivers of Pakistan flow from the north towards south. To the west of the plain lies the Desert of Thar. This plain is called Punjab i.e., the land of five rivers because these five rivers irrigate it. Even today, Punjab is playing an important role in meeting the food requirements of the country.
- Lower Indus Plain:
Below Mithan Kot, the River Indus forms the shape of a huge river and flows alone till it reaches Thatha. Therefrom it is divided into the delta and falls into the Arabian Sea. This whole area is called the Lower Indus Plain. To the south-west of this plain lies the Kirthar range whereas the Thar Desert is located to the east of the plain. Like the Upper Plain, the Lower Indus Plain is also very fertile. It is well known for early season vegetables and fruits. Irrigation is done mostly with canals but there is a problem of shortage of canal-water. The river flows slowly and is divided into many branches, forming the shape of delta A before it falls into the sea. That’s why this area is called “Deltaic”.
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