Evaluate the significance of the location of Pakistan.
Difficulty: Hard
Importance of the Location of Pakistan:
So far as the location of Pakistan is concerned, it occupies specific importance not only in South-Asia but also all over the world. Pakistan is a key source to establish a link between East and West. Following points explain the importance of the location of Pakistan.
- In the east of Pakistan, there lies India which has the second-largest population in the world after China. India is an agricultural as well as industrial country. It is a nuclear power too. We have not been on good terms with India since we got the freedom. Both countries have fought three wars so far. Because of unfriendly conditions, the region could not make progress and development. Both Pakistan and India, for their defense are spreading a large portion of their budget on weapons of warfare. Both countries have gone much far in the race of nuclear weapons and missiles. If war breaks out now, there will be destruction, and nobody will gain anything. Kashmir is the main cause of rivalry between Pakistan and India. If India forgoes its obstinate standpoint and both the countries resolve their issues through mutual negotiations, it will bring peace and prosperity to all the people living in this region of South Asia.
- Afghanistan is situated to the North-West of Pakistan. The adjoining border with Afghanistan is called the Durand Line.
- In the North-west of Pakistan, there are Central Asian Republics Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. All these republics are landlocked. These are located away from the ocean. They own no coast. Their total population is less than that of Pakistan, but they are six times larger than Pakistan concerning area. Pakistan has religious, cultural, and economic relations with these Islamic States
- China is in the north of Pakistan. It has emerged as an important economic force in the world. Sharah-e-Resham (Karakoram Highway) connects Pakistan with China. The Highway is constructed by Pakistan and China collaborated. The two countries enjoy exceptional relations. China has stood by Pakistan in every hour of trial. Pakistan is also proud of its friendship with China. Many development projects in Pakistan are going on with the support of China. China has always supported Pakistan. Pak-China Friendship is matchless.
- The Arabian Sea is in the South of Pakistan. It is the part of the Indian Ocean. Most trade between the East and West is done through the route of the Indian Ocean. Thus, Pakistan has much significance because of its location on an important trade route. The adjoining Muslim countries of the Persian Gulf i.e. Iran, Kuwait. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Arab emirates are linked with Pakistan, through the Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea has always been the center of attention among major powers because of the importance of the Persian Gulf, Karachi, Port Qasim, Pasni, Gwadar etc. are the important sea-ports of Pakistan.
- Our country has established relations with many other countries through the Arabian Sea route. Among them, South-east Muslim countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam), South Asian Muslim countries (Bangladesh, Maldives) and Sri Lanka are included.
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