Elaborate how does climate affect human life?
Difficulty: Hard
The Effects of Climate on Human Life:
Climate affects human life deeply. All the human activities are affected by climate. All the economic, social, cultural, political, and commercial activities, most of the people living in any country, depend mostly to a great extent upon the climate. There is intensity in a climate of the plain areas of Pakistan. It means that summers are hot, and winters are cold. This type of climate is very useful for different kinds of crops, vegetables, and fruits. Plain areas are made up by the soil that the rivers bring along with them. That’s why they are very fertile. These are densely populated areas. They enjoy better economic circumstances. The scarcity of rain in plan areas is made up with an irrigation system by the water of rivers and underground water. The area has the maximum of population. These areas have better facilities for transportation and communication. People enjoy better facilities.
- The northern and north-western areas of Pakistan are surrounded by mountain ranges. These areas are thousands of meters higher than sea-level. The temperature of mountain areas falls below the freezing point. It snows frequently. All the activities of the people living here are limited during the winter. People store food items and other necessary commodities before the winter sets. Domestic handicrafts are of great, importance. Some people shift their cattle from mountain areas to plain areas as pastures cannot be used due to snowfall. During summer, these areas are turned into lush green pastures again. The snow begins to melt, and small streams and rivulets start flowing. The people living here drive their cattle back to these areas. Fanning is the major occupation of the people in the summer season. Fruits of various types are produced here. Reserves of minerals are also found in these areas. The people of this area are hardworking and sturdy. Tourism prospers due to picture square scenes and pleasant climate of these areas.
- The climate of desert areas in Pakistan is too hot and dry. There is much difference between day and night temperatures. Heatwaves blow during daytime. Dust storms are also experiences. The southern areas of Sindh have especially the characteristics of deserts. The people living here lead hard lives. This area receives very little rainfall. Therefore, people must fetch water from far off distant places. The life is comparatively comfortable in the areas which have canals as a source of water. Rearing of sheep and goats is the major source of earning for the people of these areas.
- The climate of Balochistan Plateau is extremely hot during summers are extremely cold during winters. Some areas having high altitude receive snowfall during winter. This is the driest area of Pakistan. Winter Snowfall is an important source of the availability of water reservoirs in this area. During summer, water is stored in dales and small rivers. Hence, lakes and seasonal streams are found here. The rainwater is stored and is carried from one place to another through underground channels called “Kareez”. These underground channels are very important because of the high temperature in Balochistan. Water cannot evaporate from there. The source of living of people depends upon the availability of local resources.
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