Describe the significance of forests.
Difficulty: Medium
Significance of Forests:
- The Northern Mountain areas receive much rain. This rainwater, from mountains, comes down the slopes with great speed and falls into the rivers. The trees on slopes check the speedy flow of water. They help in preventing soil erosion and reduce the velocity of the water.
- Pakistan has limited energy resources. The wood obtained from the forests makes up the deficiency of coal. It is used for fuel.
- Forests provide different kinds of wood which are used in building and making of furniture and other things.
- Sports good are manufactured of forest wood. Pakistan exports these sports goods and earns foreign exchange.
- Forests make the climate of an area pleasant. They reduce the intensity of temperature.
- Forests are also a source of rain. They increase the number of water vapours in the air that cause rain-fall.
- If there are no forests, rivers wash away with them a huge quantity of sand and soil. They may fill the dams and artificial lakes. As a result, the storage capacity of water in dams and artificial lakes is decreased and less quantity of water is available for agriculture and industry.
- Trees are very useful in water-logged and salinity affected areas. The roots of the trees absorb water from the soil. They decrease the underground level of water. As a result, the water level goes down.
- Herbs are found in forests. They are used in the preparation of medicines.
- Forests promote tourism. There are many places in the north and north-western mountain areas of Pakistan which are worth-seeing and tourist resort places.
- Forests are very necessary for wildlife (birds and animals)
- Forests provide us with different kinds of fruit and seeds. They also provide fodder for animals.
- Forests play a key role in the economy of Pakistan.
- Forests are the source of Lacquer and silk cocoon industry. They also provide us with mushrooms, honey and gum.
- The raw material of paper and cardboard industry is obtained from trees.
The government of Pakistan has taken many steps to increase the area of forests. Department of Forestry is trying hard in this connection. Nurseries are established in all the big cities. Plants are available from these nurseries at reasonable prices.
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