Describe the importance of the plain region of Pakistan.
Difficulty: Hard
Plain Region of Punjab:
Most of the plain region of Punjab includes the province of the Punjab and Sindh. It is called the Upper Indus Plain and Lower Indus Plain. However, some of the plain regions lie in KPK and Balochistan. We will discuss all of them below:
Plain Region of Punjab:
This region is also known as Upper Indus Plain. It is very fertile. It is made of silt that the rivers have been bringing along with them over the years. This region starts from Pothwar and the Salt Range and stretches up to Mithan Kot. It is the largest cultivated area. Doaba Is the piece of land that lies between two rivers. The land of Punjab is spread area between many water doabas. Canals are the main source of irrigation. To meet the needs of the ever-increasing population of the country, tube-wells are also used to irrigate the fields. Barrages are constructed on the rivers. Two types of canals, irrigation canals and link canals are dug out from these barrages. Most of barrages and irrigation canals are in the plain region of Punjab.
Wheat, cotton, sugarcane and maize are the main crops of this region. The orchards of oranges, mangoes and guava are found in a large number. This region is of prime importance from an agricultural point of view. It not only meets the food needs of our country but also earns huge foreign exchange by the export of fruits, cotton and rice. The rice of the region is famous throughout the world for its aroma and taste. Industrial development based on agricultural development is another prominent characteristic of this region. The major part of the plain region in Punjab is densely populated. Large cities are situated in this region such as Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan etc.
Plain Region of Sindh:
This region is also known as Lower Indus Plain. Like the Upper Indus Plain, this region is also very fertile. Thar Desert lies to the east of this region. Irrigation is mostly done with the help of canals but tube-wells are also used for irrigation purposes to make up the deficiency of water. Sakkar Barrage is the largest barrage of this region. Canals are dug out of other two barrages i.e. Guddu Barrage and Kotri Barrage, also Wheat, sugarcane, rice and cotton are major crops of this region. Banana, guava and dates of this region are very famous. Karachi and Hyderabad are the major cities in this region. Both of the cities are famous for industries too.
Plain Region of KPK and Balochistan:
The plain region of KPK mostly consists of the districts of Peshawar, bannu, Lakki Marwat, D.I Khan and Madran. Canals are dug out from the Warsak Dam. These canals irrigate the plain region of Peshawar. The region of Madran is irrigated by the Pahoor High-Level Canal. It is dug out from the River Indus. The areas of Bannu and Lakki Marwat are irrigated by the canal dug out from River Kurram whereas the fields in D.I Khan are irrigated by Chashma Right Bank Canal.
Balochistan is a dry region. Most of the plain areas of Balochistan are irrigated by two canals dug out from Guddu Barrage. These are Desert and Pat Feeder canals. The shortage of canal water is met with the help of tube-wells or other sources. Balochistan receives comparatively less rain-fall than KPK. Wheat, tobacco, sugarcane, maize and rice are major crops of this region.
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