How was the Constitution of 1956 abrogated?
Difficulty: Easy
Abrogation of Constitution 1956:
The constitution of 1956 was passed after long and untiring efforts of nine years but did not last for long/proved to be short-lived due to specific circumstances of Pakistan which included mutual difference and quarrels of the politicians, unfair interruption of Army and bureaucracy in democratic institutions, lack of able leadership and high handedness of Governor-General in the affair of the Government. The Constitution of 1956 remained implemented for 2 years and 7 months only. In October 1958, the then Commander in Chief of Pakistan Army General Muhammad Ayub Khan dismissed the Government and set up a military regime in the country. He assumed/ concentrated all the powers in his own hands. He abrogated the Constitution of 1956. He dissolved all the Assemblies (National Assembly as well as Provincial Assemblies). He took over the charge of the offices of President and Chief Martial Law Administrator.
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