Describe the early problems of Pakistan.
Difficulty: Hard
Early Problems of Pakistan
- Unjust Division of Radcliffe:
According to the plan of June 3rd, 1947, it was decided that the Punjab and Bengal will be divided into Muslim and Non-Muslim majority areas. Muslim majority areas would become part of Pakistan whereas the remaining areas would be included in India. It was agreed that a boundary commission should be constituted, and its arbitration should be abided by the parties. Sir Radcliffe, an English law expert, was assigned this responsibility. The agreed map according to the population and the line drawn on it was altered. Radcliffe unjustly deprived Pakistan of some important areas. Three of the Tehsils of Gurdaspur District i.e., Gurdaspur, Pathankot and Batala: Zira, the Tehsil of Ferozepur and some other areas comprised of an overwhelming majority of the population of the Muslims were handed over to India. India was granted access to the state of Jammu and Kashmir through the inclusion of Gurdaspur in India. Sir Radcliffe not only deprived the Muslims of their areas and rights but also created the problem of Kashmir issue, he planted a seed of enmity between the two nations that are still a bone of contention between the two countries.
- Rehabilitation of Refugees:
After the establishment of Pakistan, the Muslims living in India decided to come into their new homeland as they found their lives unsafe there. Millions of families journeyed towards Pakistan leaving of all their belongings in India. These homeless, ruined, miserable and distressed Muslims were accommodated temporarily in refugee camps. The Government of Pakistan made accelerated planning to provide them with food, homes, medicines, and other necessities. The local people welcomed their Muslim brother with open arm. The world has not seen such a large scale of migration anywhere else.
- Administrative Problems:
The Non-Muslim Government officials previously working in the areas of Pakistan shifted to India in a large number. The offices were vacated. There was an acute shortage of the items of furniture, stationery, and typewriters. Most of the offices started their function in the open air. While going to India, the Hindus destroyed official record. It caused enormous difficulties in office work.
- Distribution of Assets:
The Indian rules did injustice in the proportional distribution of the assets too. They continued to avoid giving Pakistan its due share. They used every possible device to destroy the economy of Pakistan. They withheld agreed share of Pakistan’s assets. At the time of partition, Rupees four hundred billion were deposited in “Reserve Bank” of United India. This amount was to be divided between both countries. The proportional share of Pakistan was Rs 750 million. India was not prepared to give Pakistan her due share. India issued an amount of Rs 700 million. The remaining amount of Rs 50 million is still to be paid by India. A meeting between the representatives of both countries was held in November 1947. An agreement was made. Both the countries confirmed the agreement, but it has not been implemented so far.
- Division of Army:
After the Sub-continent was partitioned, it was also necessary to divide military assets proportionally, but justice was not done in this division too. India wanted to weaken Pakistan so that it was forced to be a part of India. Before the partition, the Commander of United India did not like armed forces be divided. He wanted to keep all the forces under a single command. The Muslim League did not agree to his standpoint and insisted on the division of military resources and assets between the two countries.
The British Government had to accept this demand. It was decided that army assets between the two countries be divided in the proportion of 64% to India and 36% to Pakistan. The ordnance factories running in United India, not even one was set up in the areas included in Pakistan. After a long discussion, it was decided that Pakistan be given Rs 60 million to set up an ordnance factory of her own. Each formula developed for the distribution of general military assets was rejected by the Indian Government. This made the conditions even worse and more complex. In this way, Pakistan was deprived of its due share.
- The River Water Issue:
The partition of the Sub-continent affected the natural flow of the rivers. According to international law, the natural channel of the river is maintained and two or more than two countries through which a river flows can benefit its waters. No country has the right to divert the natural flow of the river to deprive some other country of water resources. A crisis arose in the Sub-continent regarding this issue. Punjab and Sindh are irrigated by the river Indus and its tributaries i.e., Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. When Punjab was divided into two parts, rivers were also divided. Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas pass through India before they enter Pakistan. India stopped the water channel coming to West Punjab in 1948. It was the step to destroy the economy of the Punjab and Sindh because rivers are a clear source of irrigation in these areas.
- Issue of States:
During the British rule, there were 635 princely states in India. When the time of freedom approached near, the people started to think about the future of these states. In the Cabinet Mission Plan, the rulers of these states were asked to participate in the constitution-making process for their future status as well as protection of their interests. The rulers were also advised to keep in mind the choice of their people and religious affiliations. The British Government announced the termination of its control over India and Indian states on 20 February 1947. It increased the feelings of distrust towards India.
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