Describe any five points of the Land Reforms introduced by Ayub Khan.
Difficulty: Medium
For Land Reforms, Ayub Khan set up a Commission in 1959. This land Reforms Commission was headed by Akhtar Hussain, Governor of West Pakistan. In the light of recommendations made by this Commission. Land Reforms were announced. The main points of these reforms are given below:
- No person was to own more than 500 acres of irrigated or 1000 acres of non-irrigated land. In case of gardens or meadows, the landlord was given the right to own 150 acres more land.
- The landlords were given the right to transfer their excess land to the women of their families and orphan children. However, the transferred land would not exceed the limit of 250 acres of irrigated and 500 acres of non-irrigated land.
- Present landlords would hand over the excess land to the Government. The landlords would be compensated for their snatched lands within 25 years in instalments.
- To increase the rate of Ijarah (share of the landlord) was also banned.
- The Jagirs were confiscated without any compensation. However, the Jagirs endowed/dedicated to educational, religious or charitable institutions were exempted.
- On the recommendation of the Land Commission, steps were taken to consolidate the fragmented smallholdings. According to a statement of Ayub Khan, about nine million acres of land were consolidated.
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