
Explain the figure of speech in the poem and give examples.

Difficulty: Medium

Figures of Speech


A simile is a figure of speech in which like or is used to make a comparison between two ideas that are basically dissimilar.


           a. Her eyes twinkled like stars.

           b. She was as busy as a bee.


If we write a comparison between two things and omit the word ’like’ then we are using a metaphor: e.g.

             a. He proved a lion in the tight

             b. His heart is red, a red rose.


It is a figurative language technique where an object or idea is characteristics or qualities.

a. The candle flame danced in the dark.

b. The sunflowers nodded in the wind.


Imagery is the construction of details used to create mental images in the mind of the reader through the visual sense as well as the senses of touch, smell, taste, or sound.

Examples of imagery:

Visual - huge trees in the thick and dark forest

Auditory-the rustling of leaves

Smell-scent of apple taste-sweet and juicy oranges

Taste-sweet and juicy oranges

Touch and rough path

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