Table of Contents
Conduction of heat:
The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating atoms and free electrons in solids from hotter to a colder part of a body is called the conduction of heat.
Rate of flow of heat:
The amount of heat that flows in unit time is called the rate of flow of heat.
Thermal conductivity:
The rate of flow of heat across the opposite faces of a meter cube maintained at a difference of 1 K is called the thermal conductivity of the material of the cube.
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Transfer of heat by actual movement of molecules from a hot place to a cold place is known as convection.
Green House:
Radiations from the Sun pass easily through glass/polythene and warms up the materials inside a greenhouse. The radiations given out by them are of much longer wavelengths. Glass/polythene does not allow them to escape out and thus maintains the inside temperature of the greenhouse.
Thermos flask:
A thermos flask consists of a double-walled glass vessel. It reduces the transfer of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation.
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