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Angina pectoris
The pain that tells that the blood supply to the cardiac sufficient but the shortage is not enough to cause tissue death
Anti-A antibody
The antibody present in the blood groups where A antigens are absent i.e. blood groups B and O
Anti-B antibody
The antibody present in the blood groups where B antigens are absent i.e. blood groups A and O
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Anti-Rh antibody
The antibody is produced in people with Rh-negative blood group when they encounter Rh antigens of Rh-positive blood
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The narrowing of arteries due to the accumulation of fatty material, cholesterol, or fibrin
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Blood group system
The classification systems of the blood types based on the presence or absence of specific antigens on RBCs
The blood vessels formed by the division of smaller arteries: Unite to form smaller veins
Cardiac cycle
The period consists of alternating relaxations and contractions of the heart chambers
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Cardiovascular system
The transport system in animals consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels
Cohesion-tension theory
The theory states that the force which carries water (along with dissolved salts) upward through the xylem is the transpirational pull
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The red pigment present in RBC, is responsible for the transport of oxygen and small amounts of carbon dioxide
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Apoplast pathway
The pathway in plants through which water travels along cell walls and through intercellular spaces to reach the core of the root
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Pulmonary circulation
The pathway on which deoxygenated blood is carried from heart to the lungs and in return oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to heart
The rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood is forced through it by the regular contractions of the heart
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Semilunar valves
The valve present at the base of the pulmonary trunk and the base of the aorta
Symplast pathway
The pathway in plants through which water moves across the root hair membrane and through the cells themselves, via plasmodesmata
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Systemic circulation
The pathway on which oxygenated blood is carried from the heart to the body tissues and in return deoxygenated blood is carried from the body tissues to the heart
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The blood clots in arteries are formed by plaques of different materials e.g. cholesterol
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Tricuspid valve
The valve present at the opening between the right atrium and right ventricle
Tunica externa
The outermost layer in the walls of arteries and veins: is formed of connective tissues
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Tunica intima
The innermost layer in the walls of arteries and veins; is formed of endothelial cells
Tunica media
The middle layer in the walls of arteries and veins; is formed of smooth muscles and elastic tissue
Universal blood donor
Blood group 0; can be transfused to all other blood groups of the ABO system
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Universal blood recipient
Blood group AB: that can get blood from all other blood groups of the ABO system
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