Identify hyphens and dashes in the following sentences and mark them in the relevant box.
  1. The injured woman is thirty-five years old.
  2. You are the friend-the only friend who offered to help me.
  3. This is very important-are you listening to me?
  4. Samina ate three-quarters of a large size pizza.
  5. Aziz is a well-known person in town.
  6. We went to the USA - and met a very old friend there.
  7. My neighbour wanted us - my daughter, my son and me - to meet her guests.
  8. My great-grandfather owned a big house in his home town.

Hyphen Sentences

Dashes Sentences

The injured woman is thirty-five years old.

You are the friend - the only friend - who offered to help me.

Mr Aziz is a well-known person in town.

This is very important-are you listening to me?

My great-grandfather owned a big house in his town.

We went to the USA - and met a very old friend there.

Samina ate three-quarters of a large size pizza.

My neighbour wanted us - my daughter, my son and me - to meet her guests.


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